Коралловый риф, засаженный коноплей и маргаритками.
Уныло дрейфуя по Тумбе вместе с сис, наткнулся на цитату Великого.

“The truth is that an artist’s appraisal of his own work, in terms of how much better some stuff is than other stuff, is probably completely meaningless. If you grab a random person off the street and hold up two things and say this is my good shit and this is my bad shit, he probably won’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. 9 out of 10 people will probably say it’s the same exact shit.

This is why worrying too much about the quality of what you do is kind of ridiculous, and worrying about it is what leads to blocks. In the end what you make is the result of your capabilities and your effort, and practically nothing else. So you might as well stop worrying, drop the bullshit, and just make it.”

— Andrew Hussie, answering a question about artblock while writing homestuck


Внезапно как-то очень даже вдохновляет. :inlove: Тем более что я типичный переживающий сабж.

@музыка: Тэм Гринхилл - Перебор серебром

@настроение: Хорошее ^о^

@темы: Homestuck, Лучи любви *О*, В РФ только ямагокеры, цунагокеры и нарико!!(с)