Disclaimer: Be sure to schedule adequate breaks for food and sleep while reading this novel. The author will not be held liable for any missed workdays, low blood sugar headrushes, or unfortunate bathroom accidents that may result from reading “just one more chapter”.
Говорит нам предисловие. Я, кнчн, понимаю, что не обманешь — не продашь, но это уж как-то совсем смущает.
Мне не надо экошна с первой главы, я нежно люблю повседневность без него вовсе, равно как не смущают меня и большие тексты с кучей деталек, не имеющих влияния на сюжет, но нагнетающих атмосферу.
Тем не менее, фанатом словесного поноса ради словесного поноса я тоже не являюсь, а у главного героя оно самое.
“These places don’t really exchange a lot of currency,” the happy guy informed me. “They always have to pull out instructions to change my money. But they’re open later than banks, if you know what I mean.”
I tried to imagine him making a transatlantic flight with the virus and shuddered.
“You can go first, if you want,” he said. “I’m in no hurry.”
I was itching to get out of there. Jonathan probably thought I’d been murdered and would come in with Phil’s pistol all fired up and massacre us all. But I didn’t want the vampire chatting me up while I got a wire for fifteen grand.
I wondered if he was flirting with me. I knew how to have safe sex with vampires now. Huh.
Not that I’d consider sleeping with him, of course. I just think things like that, I don’t do them. Besides, I was too busy carrying a torch for Jonathan that’d start a second Great Chicago Fire if it got any more intense.
Если само по себе долгое и муторное описание очереди, кассиров, посетителей, этого вот улыбчивого вампира — норм, ибо вампир на самом деле не тот, кем кажется и все дела